Finding a Rhythm

Finding a Rhythm

Finding a Rhythm 150 150 Co- Church

I hate running!

But at the same time, I love it … is that even possible?
I’m not sure whether I can claim to be a fully fledged runner just yet but in my short “career” I find myself asking the same question after every single run. Is this ever going to get easier?

I was listening to an interview with Jim Collins, author of ‘Good to Great’ and he used this analogy about writing, he said; “Writing is like running. It never gets easier, you just get better”.

You just get better.

I’ve been asking the same question about life recently. Is this going to get easier? Perhaps its the wrong way of looking at it. I can’t control “life” but I can get better. The getting better is better in my character, in my soul, as a father and friend.

When I think about getting better I go straight to my relationship with Jesus. I know that when my relationship with Jesus is active; real and intimate … I am better.
As believers we are to have a singular pursuit. It’s simply to grow in loving union with Jesus.

Find a rhythm.

I’ve come to appreciate, in my pursuit of getting better as a running, the importance of finding a rhythm. Regarding life with Jesus, as is with running, rhythm is essential for it to get better.

Just recently I had a call from someone I know. What I didn’t know was their historical struggle with substance abuse. This person let me know that they recently relapsed. The one thing they put it down to was falling out of a healthy rhythm. They fell out of rhythm and fell into a bad situation.

Everything in life has a rhythm. There is the rhythm to creation. A time and flow for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV[1] There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

There is even a rhythm in our body. Have you heard about the Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythms are 24hr cycles that are apart of the body’s internal clock. Running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. The most well known rhythm is the sleep / wake cycle. Different systems follow circadian rhythms that are synchronised with the master clock in our brain. This master clock is directly influenced by environmental cues, especially light. Which is why the circadian rhythm is tied to the cycle of day and night.

Research is suggesting circadian rhythms play an integral role in both physical and mental health. Circadian rhythms work by helping make sure that the body’s processes are optimised at various points during a 24hr period. When the rhythm is off it means the body’s systems aren’t functioning at their best.

There is a biblical rhythm. A Godly rhythm.

We are still in the beginning of another 12 month cycle. Now is the time to find and settle into a rhythm that will produce life. Especially when life looks like it won’t get easier, we can get better through our fellowship with Jesus.

Questions: Do you have a rhythm to life? Can you remember a time when you could say life and faith had a great rhythm … why do you think that was? What’s stopping you from settling into a faith rhythm now?

A practice: Set aside time to map out and schedule a rhythm. Be intentional. Be realistic too. Start with small achievable steps. 

Prayer: Father, we look to you in all things. You created us and all of life. Your way is the best way. We ask for wisdom to make the right decisions around our rhythms of life and faith.

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