The Great Commission is our mission.
“Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.”
Mark 16:15 MSG
We have a choice to make. We can settle into our salvation but stay self centred or we can live saved and called. Called into a great mission. There is the dichotomy of Christianity where this is about us but it’s also not about us. It’s about others too.
We are saved to serve and made for a mission.
There are too many professed “Christians” living spiritually dormant. We have been invited into life and life in its fullness. This fullness is experienced in mission. You are invited to participate with God.
Here’s how we live life on mission:
- Shift our thinking. So much of life begins in our mind. Right thinking leads to right living. A good shift in thinking is to think about others. We are naturally self-absorbed and so this shift will be a fight, a mental fight. This shift will only occur as we find ourselves in a daily rhythm of abiding in Jesus. Becoming more like Christ is to become more “otherly” minded.
- Consciously enlarge what you believe to be possible. God is a BIG God. He wants to reach everyone from everywhere. Let’s not limit what God might do through our lives.
- Live with an eternal perspective with a focus on now. Eternity is set before us all. The time we have now will define what eternity looks like for many. Having the big picture of eternity is vital to keep us on track and on mission. It keeps the main thing the main thing. So much of what we spend our energy on will ultimately fade. Let’s invest into eternity by focussing on what really matters. People are the true treasure.
- Instead of being entrapped by the problems, be solution oriented. There are many things that can be a hinderance to life on mission. We all know of life’s difficulties and obstacles but we have God with us. With God anything is possible. Get your eyes off of what you don’t have and keep them on what you do have to fulfil the mission.
So many “Christians” have missed out on a life of mission and assignment because they’ve never taken the time to consider and ask God. Open your mind and your heart to the possibility of a God ordained mission. Being like Jesus is to have a heart for people, to have a heart for the lost.
God wants all people in relationship with him.
Remember – The Great Commission is my mission.
Key Bible verse – “That Your way may be known on earth,Your salvation and deliverance among all nations.” Psalm 67:2 AMP
Pray – Lord, I offer you my life. Send me. Send me to the lost and broken. Let your salvation come to those you bring across my path.
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