It’s the final week of our 40 days of purpose. Well done for getting here and my hope is that this has been truly impacting.
From The Purpose Driven Life book by Rick Warren we have explored five major purposes for our life.
- You are planned for God’s delight.
- You are formed for God’s family.
- You are created to become like Jesus.
- You are created to serve God.
Today we look at the fifth and final major purpose: YOU WERE MADE FOR A MISSION.
“In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world,I give them a mission in the world.”
John 17:18 MSG
God is at work in the world and he invites us to join him. This assignment is called our mission. God wants us to have a ministry within the church and a mission within the world. Our ministry is our service to believers, our mission is our service to unbelievers.
Our life mission is both shared and specific. One part is our responsibility we share with every other Christian, and the other part of the assignment is specific to us. Being a Christian includes being sent into the world to represent Jesus.
The mission of Jesus is now our mission.
Here are biblical reasons why our mission is so important:
- Our mission is the continuation of the mission of Jesus. We are to continue what Jesus started. This is known as the Great Commission. This commission was given to every follower of Jesus. It’s not optional.
- The mission is a wonderful privilege. It is an honour to represent Jesus. We are handpicked and sent out by God himself. We are co-labourers with Christ.
- Telling others of eternal life in Jesus is the greatest thing we can do for them. Why would we want to keep the Good News a secret? Sharing the gospel is the kindest thing we can do for humanity. Everybody needs Jesus.
- This mission has eternal consequences. The impact of this mission will last forever.
- Meaning for life comes from this mission. There is value in living for something that will outlast you. Let’s not waste the gift. There are people on this planet who only you can reach.
This mission does come with a cost.
To fulfil the assignment means laying down our own agenda and to take up the mission of Christ. This can’t be just an “add on” to our life. This needs to be our life. You will experience the blessing of God in the fulfilment of this mission.
Save one more person for Jesus!
Remember – I was made for a mission.
Key Bible verse – “Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 MSG
Pray – Father, who can I reach for you? Bring people across my path who need to know Jesus.
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